*Click The Image*

I would like to say I did this for nothing more than my amusement. Nothing more. As my pj pants say, "Its all about me, Deal with it."
YaY Fetus!!! *Hugs and Kisses it*

Sometimes...You can cry until there is nothing wet in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray to whatever god you think will listen. and still it makes NO difference. It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you. And you know that if it ever did relent...It would not be because it liked you.

About something sTupid here

Heh, this is cool

Links I like

Things Ive written

Chippy The Ghetto Fucking Pankake

My vampire freaks profile

My MSN Chat Group


{Black Roses}

My Space


....Due to my faitful move to all html on this damn angel fire, my beloved penguin has passed on. I no longer have the html code for him, *crys alot* Dear penguin you will be dearly missed. but now I have this fun ball game...I got all the way to the end...Can you???

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