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By Shane Brolly


in this
room of nowhere
I sit with
one shoe on
and listen
to a dozen
pale roses

you have to be
to hear
the dead

The Wolf
-Terri Kitchen

Silver moonlight
Drips across your window
Slides over your bedpost
And takes you by the throat
Another cycle starts
Of nightmares in the mist
And those haunted calls at midnight
To turn your blood to rust
It drips down the lonely hallways
And slides beneath the door
It's calling you to come outside
And taste the night once more.
Into the black shadows
You seep
On padded feet
Wearing that grin
Your panting breath
Vibrates through the mind
Come closer
Let me feel your heat

Poison Summer
-Terri Kitchen

Do you dream?
Are your dreams forever?
Do they come in colors
Or are they black and white?
Vivid they come
And vivid they go
Leaving a tangible impression
I dream
Sometimes about you
Floating high above me
Like poison summer skies
Do you dream?
About me?
Do I haunt your days?
Maybe I don't want to know...

Anyone that would like to
submit their poems can do so by... .
Please include title of poem & your name,
so that I can give you full credit.