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#5 -- Tell me about
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
the book written by Richard Bach

Richard seems to be a common repeating name of another significant teaching persona influencing my life -- there were many including Richard Bach, a supervisor at a job, a Union attorney and Richard Zarro who had the most impact and whoI did not meet for another nine years.

Although the Library of Congress classifies this as a children's book, it can be read on whatever level the reader is at. My personal belief is this is the reason why the book endures and borders on the classic. To me, the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull is about transformation and growth as both these challenges first became consciuosly aware and the core to my being.

In his explanation of the photo, Gary indicates the information comes in as an amorphous generalized concept. In turn, I make it orderly and send it out in the ever present butterfly (my self image and gift to the world) in an orderly progression of colors, etc. Note the images that are so prevalent in on my right (your left) and which is controlled by the left side of my brain. According to what I was taught, is linear and controls logical functions, is skeptical and engages in the eternal internal chatter. It's at least an interesting concept.

There are not as many images readily apparent in this photo. What ones do you see?

Upon studying this in 2007, I see a Phoenix, a bird soaring, person with a raised hand, a guitar, a butterfly, an anchor, the symbol for paragraph, a dagger, an angel, a man wearing a tie, a chinese pogoda, penguin with an exceptionally long neck, tents, a gravestone, a man waving, the astrologer's symbol for Scorpio, a gondola moving away from me, a smiling rabbit, male artist witting in front of an easel, a heart with an arrow through it as in a valentine, man and woman together. I also see the letters several either "g" or "z", "P", "K", "R" and the name Liz (my sister) written out along with the numbers "(2)", "3", "4", "6" and "9".

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