This photograph is loaded with images and was taken at a point/part of my life in which one part was ending and transition into another type of life entirely was beginning. What symbols are apparent to you in this photo of my aura in response to this question about my future career plans? I see stick figures, a heart symbols, a polar bear, a snaffle bit, Egyptian pyramides grouped, man speaking in front of a group, a wishing well, a guitar, a padlock, two people sitting at right angles, lots of butterflies, astrological symbol for the sign for Scorpio, a tepee, a duck, a swan, the word "Hi" written out, Question marks, Japenese gait, symbol for woman, the word "past" written out, a group of people sitting, a 3-D box, the symbol for a diamond, a phoenix, a wrench , a wolf, shields with crosses on them, a set of aural headphones, woman at center stage with the curtains over and on both sides of her, three people praying, a metranome, a bow tie, a pair of needle-nosed pliers, two people in a church pew, three people in a circle, bone shaped like a "Milk Bone", an acorn, an airplane, a heart with an arrow shot through it as shown on Valentine's day, person with a hand raised in the power symbol, a horse, a man in professional attire (tie), a shovel, a three-leaf clover, a shovel, a viola, the name "Josh" written out, the name "Joy" written out, a large drum with a beater sitting on it, a shoe (probably a sneaker), solid-backed chairs, several different types of arrows, a man kissing a woman on the cheek, the word "dog" written out, the word "key" written out, the word "fix" written out, the word "list" written out, star and heart symbols, man with his arms outstretched in welcome, large size picture of two people sitting at right angles, the letter "H" with a bed between that and letter "R", a man on a throne, the editing symbol for paragraph, the word "hope" written out, the symbol for money, a Quanset hut, angels kneeling in prayer, the symbol for Omega in the Greek alphabet, the letters "Y", "U", "Ry", "W", "n", "Pu", "ES", "G", "B", mirror symbols for the letter "c", "SH" letters and a total absence of numbers. For those of you into astrology, the symbol for the South Node is also in my aura right over my head. This photograph has special meaning for me as right over my head is the fulfillment of predictions made by others and the granting of my "wish upon a star".
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