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About This Web Site

This site is about SPIRITUALITY, yours, mine, everyone's, the planet's, the universe, from the macrocosm to the smallest speck making up the overall. It is about our being, human and otherwise.

It is about how and why we manifest what occurs in our reality, on this plane. It is about the true essence of our being, our unique "energy" and truly recognizing and celebrating it.

The thumbnails are arranged from lower left to upper right to reflect, at least in this society, how we "see" everything, starting the lower left with that from which we come, our roots, so to speak, that which we can see, smell, taste, hear and feel. Our emotional heritage -- using me as an example. The icons progress upward to the upper right one being creating your future through the use of tools such as language, how you react to "life's events and heal and benefit and grow ever UPWARD", friendship signifying those significant beings and finally up to Holographic Hypnosis with incorporates all the tools, the essence of self, the soul that survives all adversity including "death" and the like. When you are creating your future in this society, you look upper right with your eyes. It is as simple as that.

This is your site as well as the person paying the bills to maintain it. Your input is welcome. Your visits are welcome. Your sharing both the site and your experiences, beliefs, etc. are welcome additions and each and every one is as important as the prior one. It is about your joining on the grandest scale for the greatest good!

It is about the soul, mind, body connection and how they interact. It is about growth and/or change versus stagnation. It is about angels, science, reincarnation, the paranormal and anything else you care to make it. This site is intended to be informative and a reflection of life, both the known and the unknown. It is about communication and other tools used to get each and everyone, individually and collectively, where we want to be. It is about understanding as well as the faith that surpasses understanding.

Come one! Come all! Share! Give! Take! Participate to the fullest level! Experience LOVE -- the greatest force for good that exists!

Who Am I?

My first name, Roberta, means "bright" as in a light. My surname literally means "dove". It means "peace". In one of those "generally circulating the Internet" e-mails, my name means "great white thunder".

I consciously started down this path as a result of a determination made early on in this life (In 1/07, I have achieved almost 65 years). I have made life choices that support the earlier decision, i.e., that I wanted to explore the higher meaning of life rather than just exist. With age, I figured out what I was seeking was spirituality and practicing that we are indeed our brother's keepers. In the true sense of the term, "spirituality" was my understanding of the higher meaning.

I have dedicated this website, Addres-sing-life to the remembrence of two truly awesome teachers who most recently accelerated and facilitated my learning.

One in particular is the being known as Richard Zarro (see "Friendship" and "Hypnosis" thumbnails) who taught me so much and gave tremendous gifts to me, sometimes against my better judgment and my fighting him all the way.

Roberta Culver

Richard Zarro

The other, Dice, with loyalty and unconditional love and acceptance, taught lessons in caring, sharing and attunement well beyond the normal and his talents were such he facilitated my growth while demanding so little in return. Dice was a truly exception intuitive companion/cocker spaniel.

Through Dice's relationship with me, I learned you truly give unto God when you give to the least of God's creatures.


Both of these teachers have now transitioned to another level of existence! Both are missed and yet both are still here.

I hope this site truly honors what they came to mean to me and as such you will gain from your involvement herein.

I'm retirement age, having lived a long and, in retrospect, a full life. I've "been in the right place at the right time" so often it could not have been an accident. In so saying, may we all celebrate those gifts given to us and by each of us.

I have been a student of life, healing myself and others, "seeing" through such tools as Tarot and clairvoyance, Holographic Hypnosis and Shamanism. I have experienced much joy and much pain during my journey. Through it all, as have you each and as part of the human condition I am much enriched. Shall we celebrate, raising our voice in joyous song, together and individually in what each of us individually and as members of a group about?

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