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This icon represents the tool most commonly used to convey our sense of self, our sense of being, our wants and needs, etc. We communicate on many varied levels. Some the levels seem obvious when you consider what the term "communication" means. Most of us think of the use of words, both spoken and written, and cultural based nonverbal body language as the components of communication.

In conjunction with the above usual definition, there are other levels of continuously conveyed or transmitted information being communicated. One such example of a "different" type of communication is the aura. The ability to see auras naturally is related to the muscle function in your eyes. Some people, with perhaps Edgar Cayce the most well-known, are born with this ability.

Anyone who does not normally see these magnificent colors surrounding both non-living objects and live beings and who wishes to work at exercises can learn to see the aura. Additionally, there is also an "exercise" using an altered state of consciousness which allows one to "see" the aura with little practice (which topic will be further developed on this site at some time in the future behind the Hyponsis thumbnail).

These auras can be captured on film by means of a camera. The most obvious is the use of a special camera known as an aura camera. As the proof is seen under the Kirilian Photo article behind this thumbnail, by modifying the Kirlian process, you can also capture auras with a Polaroid camera. The latter gives feedback in much detail not possible with the traditional aura camera.

To those who "read" auras, there is an abundance of detailed information being communicated to you through the aura of every thing and everyone in the environment. The information in this energy field which manifests as various colors depending, as I understand it, on the vibrational rate of the molecules making up your physical body and which when bouncing off one another move with such speed they can "escape" the confines of your body's skin. One thing in each aura which is told to one with the skills necessary is information regarding any health challenges which are already present or which are going to be manifesting in the object or being.

Shown on these pages are photos of this website's "guide" taken over 20-years ago by Gary Johnson. These unique photos were done by Gary making a minor modification in the camera resulting in a different exposure of the Polaroid film, which is why the colors as not as accurate. When he does this, one can also see objects in the aura photos. The result is to tell about your thoughts, your past and your future, etc.

In fact, you already know how to see and read auras. How many times have you "known" about someone or something in the environment without "knowing" consciously how, where or why? This information is transmitted (or communicated) to others in part via "reading" it in the aura.

You can also send and receive thoughts which can be pictured in symbols from others and from the natural forces being communicated through "reading the aura".

By tuning in to another's energies, you can even transmit thoughts without the use of the accustomed and accepted means of using your five senses.

Did you know you can also learn to "read" what type of thoughts are being accessed by the eye direction of the other person?

Also readily available for use in communication are changes in someone's physical appearance by understanding and using a technique known as "calibration" or attention to minute changes in the physical being of the person being observed. One of the more obvious examples is that when I do self-hypnosis, my cheeks turn bright red with even a little change in consciousness level over which the one being observed can control by controling one's state of mind. A friend of mine's skin color becomes very pale.

Also seen with increasing frequency today are photos of "spirit" beings, both in human form and in the form of an orb [a spherical light believed by many to be the "energy" or soul of someone no longer in physical form]. These spherical "lights" appear close to a meaningful object and can be seen by either a camera or by some observers with the unaided eye. Spirits or more accurately the soul outside of the physical realm takes on many forms.

This icon/section of is about harnessing the tools of communication to manifest for the good of everyone and the environment. This good includes both sides in giving and receiving.

One of the goals of this site over a period of time is to present concepts inherent in communication skills, the good and the not so adept. We will also hopefully expand your knowledge on the role of communication in the future of the planet in addition to your own future.

If you have information you wish to share or questions you wish to pursue concerning these concepts, please feel free to join in and post your stories, anecdotes or whatever you are comfortable sharing. Access the message board at the bottom of this page or if you prefer not to post your information publically then email me through the landing page for this website.

Your sharing, with your permission of course, will be considered for posting on the main site as was done under Family/Pets under Jemma behind the Family Thumbnail. This New Zelander was moved to produce the sand portrait upon reading about Dice, one of my influential teachers, posted under both About this site/About me and about Dice as being an Influential Teacher. Your thoughts, ideas and suggestions are important to the continued success of this site and to the continuation of the existence of all.

Narrative by Roberta Culver
Photos 1983 by Gary Johnson

Kirlian Slideshow
(page will open in a new browser window.)

Basic input communication skills
from the The Phone Book by Richard Zarro

Think Before You Speak (Under construction)

Accessing Cues
By Richard Zarro

Expressing Your Inner Self


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