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The Hopi nakw'ch symbol of brotherhood made when two priests clasp hands during the Wuwuchim dance - the dance of the linked finger. The Ute also carried the same type friendship symbol. The design is also a sign for water.

This is a constantly evolving site with new material being posted on a continuous basis. Feel free to make suggestions or requests. Do you have something you wish to share? Post it on the message board or email me. It will be considered for posting on the main site as was done under Family/Pets under Jemma. They were moved to produce the sand portrait upon reading about Dice under About this site/About me.

Richard's smile could light up the room.

"Spirit Behind the Mask"
Richard Allen Zarro, R.H., C.I. (9-18-46 to 8-12-03) Polaroid photo: 10-17-03 @ 23 Easton Lane, Woodstock, NY (page will open in a new browser window.)

Orb Photo
Polaroid photo: 10-17-03 @ 23 Easton Lane, Woodstock, NY

"Spirit Survives"
Discussion of what I have seen and experienced

"When You Wish Upon a Star"
About Manifestation and Reincarnation
of a Most Important Relationship

"Past Life Regression"
Foretelling Events in this Century
Played out from a Prehistoric Relationship

"Star Stepping"
-- Hypnosis For Control Astral Travel in Preparation for Past Life Regression.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

God Has an 800 Number

Thought Tranference


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