? Ghost Stories
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Ghost Stories


     Like the hypnosis thumbnail, this grouping contains so much information it is difficult to define or to write the introduction to the topic.  It is about the human entity (as in a way is this entire site).  It is also about those who "look after us" such as guides and angels and gets confused because animals are also thrown in to the mix.  I am honored by those who have chosen to share their experiences with me.  It takes a leap of faith on their part to have that much trust.  I encourage you to email me your stories (see email me on the landing page) and if you are comfortable so doing, allowing me to share with others.  Disconcerting is probably an understatement to those who do not study consciousness the first time you see someone's orb, a ghost in your bedroom, etc.

    This new icon was placed on the icon/index page between the communication icon and the healing icon because the knowledge and various experiences fall into neither and it yet somehow is both.  I believe and suggest to you that the information contained herein has a healing quality to the seeker and it is all about communication.

     Those covered behind this icon are either no longer in physical form or they are in here in the physical and do not communicate using words such as is common with most of the human race.  Yes, animals do communicate with sounds and body language as we do if we care to understand them.Many of you believe in angels and other "heavenly" beings. 

Max & His Grandparents
Submitted By Terri Agy

A visit from Mother to me and Dice


Submitted By Nancy Potts


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