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From my perspective:

Life's Recurring Themes
( We all have a few which tell the
story of one's life purpose )

I believe the God/Goddess or whomever is really in charge allows us the freedom to choose. In keeping with our choices for "life", we are not given anything we cannot handle, all "gifts" designed to advance each individual soul/spirit and the entities of those touched directly and indirectly. There are no accidents.

Richard Zarro and I, for example, were destined to meet. He was born in Brooklyn, raised in New Jersey and eventually ended up in Woodstock, NY. I was born in Albany (NY) and remained in the Albany area most of my life. Our meeting was foretold, for example as one of my Kirlean photos taken several years earlier has "Zarro" written like a tiara sitting on top of my head although we were not to meet for about another decade.

It seems one of my roles in life is not only to be a mirror, it is to help people transition. Any such transition I am to assist with means on multiple levels. I meet someone and am allowed to decide if I can help the person. If I do not "feel" I am ready, I am allowed to move on. Someone else will be provided. More and more those transitions I am involved with are ones out of this realm and into the "hereafter". It also includes the transitions of those who remain here, those grieving the "loss". I am frequently not comfortable in the role of assisting either the dying or those in the grief process. Sometimes the role I am asked to fullfill hits too close to my own situation. Nonetheless, I am able to contribute and so do. Sometimes the seeker and I only interact briefly for that is all that is required for that soul to gain from me what is necessary and which I have to give, to learn from me on some previously "undefined" and frequently uknown to the seeker level. Sometimes I am given the gift of the assisting in the termination of physical life for the person with whom I am interacting and sometimes I am not. If the interaction does not proceed to "the final transition" for the person, at whatever point in this lifetime the individual seeker moves on. Some other will "come" to further his or her advancement. I do not know if it is because of my advancing age and the inevitable approaching transition myself that most who come are what we ineptly refer to as the "final transition" or it is just what the individual person needs.

And so my life has been. I am the eternal ringmaster, last chosen but oh so necessary and what a glorious responsibility.

As it turned out, the spirit known to us as Richard Allen Zarro showed himself to be very gifted. It only took releasing that from the instilled doubts and inhibitions. The tool was hypnosis in a much more elementary and earlier form than Richard taught and practiced as he grew and progressed.

In the creative field, he was an accomplished writer (having won several awards), an artist, a poet and music composer. One of his gifts in creating was to inspire the use of all one's senses -- even in fields where you would not expect to do so.

His gifts were numerous. Most of all, he lived (and physically died) as a spiritual warrior, actively engaging and using his gifts in the battle for spirits/souls/entities, for "good" over "evil", for Gaia and the divine entity(ies), whomever we believed that to be. He truly made a difference to each who came into contact with him for whatever period of time. We changed in positive ways as a result of this encounter with him. We each knew from our interaction we are important in the grand scheme of things, having been touched by this magnificent being who did/was/is what each of us needed. Using the tool of Holographic Hypnosis, his own personal creation -- having pulled it from so many sources and in so doing honoring the gifts of those coming before.

The learning the lesson of self worth is by no means a small task. No matter, it is a necessary one. Holographic hypnosis fills this role.

He taught and had literally hundreds of clients and students within a comparatively brief time period. Students and clients came from near and far. They each got what they wanted and/or needed in record time. After all, self-hypnosis is short term therapy as opposed to long-term of psychological/psychiatric therapy by "standard" means. With Richard's training, we not only learned what was needed for navigation in this world, we left knowing how to accomplish this desired positive change on our own. Each of us discovered ourselves.No matter the reason for the interaction, each was indelibly and forever changed from the exchange.

Richard as a facilitator of change through the tool of self-hypnosis had as a primary role, amongst others, to mirror, match and ultimately to lead using the tool of communication on all levels. He truly cherished each who came and celebrated their change with them.

As part of the process through which we all must pass, Richard provided for the continuation of his work as best he could. He made me the ringmaster in that his worldly possessions were Willed and/or given to me. After discussion between Richard and myself, one part has been entrusted to one other entity, who as the Will is drawn must work with me in this, i.e., some level of my involvement and yes even control over the situation was left to the ringmaster.

Richard had much to overcome in this life. As medium John Edwards said on his TV show, we choose the time to leave our physical body when we are ready. When Richard was no longer able to sustain the effort to do such, he moved on. We all make this decision by whatever means is employed. His health was rapidly deteriorating. Others spoken with in the next few weeks after his transition spoke of how he had the "death pallor" yet he kept going, doing, giving. Yet, one person who also interacted a great deal with Richard shared an interesting observation with Richard. He helped others, he was somehow a "different" person when he helped others than the very ill person he appeared to be to those in contact with Richard's rapidly declining health and worldly declining resources. It was shared with me by Eric that this observation turned Richard immediately into a different person, upbeat and full of life. It was an instanteous transformation.

His greatest gift to me was to teach the meaning of love and to be loved. Only in retrospect did I learn how greatly he loved me and cherished our relationship. I guess I was just too close to it to see it for what it was. We are not clones. As part of my role in helping others to transition, we each had something to give to each other and hence the interaction. We both did "our thing" to bring the other in to us as a fullfillment of a need. He told total strangers how much I meant to him. Last Valentine's day, he asked me to "be his Valentine, your #1 fan for love." So great a gift....... so subtle; its impact almost unnoticed. Christmas 2002,the card starts with "Dearest Roberta, May the Divine Mother hold you gently in her ams and guide you to the fulfillment of your most cherished and heartfelt dreams." She did, she guided me to Richard! -- the answer to my heartfelt prayer and wish to share life with another compatable entity made by me on the evening star so many years ago......

I believe our wanting to deny that transition from the physical realm is selfish on the part of those who remain. He had really not wanted to be here for quite a while. The effort to remain was too great and his pain on all levels was enormous. He felt that he had done what he could to have his work continued. I had planned to retire in less than a year and we could work on a web site, novels (he hasn't written his mother's story) or whatever communication skills he would share through art, music, literature, etc. His presence remains and as promised he will continue. He understands to ask that committment from me of hours, energy and resources requires he give in return.

And so he remains, watching over me, demonstrating his love and leading me to do certain things in his name during a very difficult time and against all odds and those who only know how to take, that each who comes for whatever their purpose to ask me to assist in whatever transition, it is as intended, a two-way street. We both gain. We both give. He encourages me to push the edge of the envelope, stretch and figure out what is truly important. He promised there would be a "relationship after" and so there is. We will be "together" again at some point. In the meantime, I will do the best I can and will leave his gifts to be continued in hands of those who truly care about all that is good, holy and right, however they believe that to be and with those who share a common goal with him. Certainly that next generation in the process he started will make both Richard and I proud as we survey the change for good that he worked always to accomplish.

My love for this beautiful entity continues. He inspired me! I thank him for his time, efforts, for his being here and most of all for his love of me and our joint goals, forever intertwined like the two roses with the intertwined stems his son placed for me on the casket in its journey from the funeral.

Being the ringmaster sometimes is a very lonely and thankless job. During those times, I do my best to remember I am a coordinator of wants and or needs to reach a final desired and frequently intertwined goal. For example, for a substantial part of my employment time, I worked in law offices. I believed that to do Estate work was to provide for the validation of that person's life existence. I have always held to be the one left in charge of an estate is more than about assets and debts of the person in the physical/monetary sense. It is not really about who gets what.

Each of us has a few roles that we replay over and over in life. I share with you the example of a couple of my main themes, the ringmaster and the mirror so that you may understand yours. If each reading this thinks about their life experiences looking for the reoccuring themes, this review will give you an insight into who you are and your purpose for being here, I believe. Rejoice! It is necessary for not only for you. It is necessary for those with whom you come in contact.

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