Some Observations of the TF Toys, Episodes & Comics ...
Please, enjoy these tidbits of erotic TF trivia!
Original Megatron's trigger
in robot mode is in quite a questionable spot ;)
See what I mean? "Come to me, Starscream..." ;)
Another note on G1 Megs -- I
had a mate transform him once, and the piece
that is his white gun barrel in Walther P-38
mode was a bit loose and she said, "is that its penis or
what?" LOL!!
There was also an artist in the early G1 UK comics that drew the characters how the toys looked and yes, in one issue, it looked like Megs had a cock! Hehe! The story was The Enemy Within from about issue 13-17.
In the G1
episode More Than Meets the Eye III, Hound picks up Rumble by the
crotch!! ;D
And who on Cybertron could forget G1 Shockwave's willy?
I noticed also
that on the
Galvatron toy, the long cannon piece that goes up his back in robot mode - pull it
straight, turn it frontward, and Wala!
A major league hard on! Who for,
I wonder? Cyclonus? (Evil smirk).
Cyclonus: "Galvatron
is that a canon in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?" ;)
And, some of the Predacons, (G1 this is, not Beast Wars) their tails in beast mode, pull them down and they become little black penises in robot mode ;)
And G2 Megatron's "Big Stick"!! I mean who wouldn't have impure thoughts ... ;)
Also, not a real TF, there was a cheap transforming toy, I saw on Ebay, made in China which was called "Super Cock." It was a robot who transformed into a rooster and back. The caption said: "Transforms from cock to robot and back…" Heh! Let the imagination run wild with that 'un! (Sourcing a pic of this)
I also noticed Beast Wars Inferno, also has a donger! Maybe for his "Queen..." ;) LOL!!!
And now for Optimus Cybertron! ... Drumroll, Kafka ... ;) As I was untying those annoying plastic covered metal ties, I noticed Optimus had a plastic bra-like covering over his chest. Primus, I couldn't stop laughing! And yes, his chest does rather stick out! ;) So, Optimus Prime wears a bra! (Pic forthcoming).
Now I've seen those advertised
clear silicone bras in the shops and the largest size was too small for me :( Perhaps Prime got one custom made? ;)
I wonder if the toy makers/designers know just how *suggestive* some of the
TF toys can be ;)
Truly More
Than Meets the
Eye! LOL!!!
I'm sure there are more
goodies I've
yet to discover … *Cheetah rubs her
hands together, grinning evilly*
I'd appreciate others'
discoveries as well ;) Full credits due
of course!
Ya, I spend waaay too much
time thinking about this. Snort! ;)
Other TransFans
Prizm tells me that if you plage G1 Slag's tail frontwards, they it does indeed look suggestive ;)
And, I'm ever grateful to Jade for alerting me to G1 Scattershot's HUGE phallic cannon!!! Apparently, there's another smaller "cock" inside the big one ... ;) (Jade also pointed out Shockwave's vibrator hand ...) Heheh!
Beware!! I'm cumming!!" ;)
Thanks to all
TransFans who have contributed to the construction of this page.