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Blank Books

Each of these books are examples of the different forms,
sizes and colors of the blank journals and sketchbooks that I create.
All colors, sizes and paper types are customizable upon request.
A note to all fellow Lefties:
I can create a special journal that opens the other
direction so that you don't have to deal with right-handed journal syndrome.

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Small Blank Journal
Case-bound Codex Style
4.25" x 5.5" 60 Pages
Handmade Endpapers
Retail Price $20-22

Large Blank Journal
Case-Bound Codex Style
8.5" x 5.5" 100 Pages
Retail Price $30-35
Other Covers
All of these books are large blank journals with 100 pages.
They also have decorative endpapers and ribbon closures.

This journal has a black cover
with silver detailing, and bright pink
endpapers with mica inclusions.
Price $32.

This journal has a blue marble
cover with white detailing,
and handmade white hemp
endpapers with mica inclusions.
Price $32.

This journal has a green shimmery cover
and decorative endpapers with embedded
plants. Price $32.

This journal has a pink and
blue marble cover with
handmade endpapers dyed
with grey clay mud pigment.
Price $32.

This journal has a purple cover
with tiedye endpapers.
Price $32.

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