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I Could Never H.A.T.E.U. Mariah

Mariah Carey: Angel's Advocate Tour 2010
Mariah Carey + Tour + Me and Zach = AMAZIZING! So MC announced tour dates, and you know the deal, we HAD to be there! Mariah is one constant that has been in my life since I can remember so I had to support mah girrl! We weren't even tripping off getting tickets because our strategy has worked pretty well for us in the past. And sure enough, 2ND ROW came our way! We were STOKED to say the least! I couldn't even function when the tickets popped up! I made a mess of the cashwrap in a mad dash to scramble for Zach's work number and my hands were shaking as I submitted the order. Double and triple checked to make sure everything went through OK because it seemed too good to be true, but it was for real for real, Oprah Winfrey whole segment for real! LoL, yes I went there, 20/20 Barbara Walters for real, 60 minutes for real! Haha.
So anyways, showtime was quickly approaching and we were fricken excited! Went on a merch hunt, lines were too long. Bought a WAAAAAAY overpriced meal and beverage, and then headed to our seats. And this oughta tell you how much of ticket snobs we are, we were 2ND ROW, but we were BUMMED because we weren't center, haha, we are so ungrateful! But it's OK, we figured we really should appreciate our time in the 2nd row, afterall, there was like 100 rows behind us and those people would have KILLED to be where we were. The opening act was just finishing as we sat down, and we knew we only had 45 minutes till the one and only Mariah Carey took the stage. So 45 minutes later, the lights went down, and it was time to freak the F out! Mariah descended from the ceiling, looking absolutely beautiful! Our view was incredible because everyone in the front row was against the barricade and there were two open seats in front of us. Oh and about that, I don't care if those seats were given as artist comps, if you are given free front row tickets to a show, you better make your ass available to be there! And the other two people on the end of the front row were clearly given the tickets comp-ed, and the one bitch was seriously sitting down the entire show, WHO DOES THAT?! But anyways, because of those factors, our view was largely unobstructed, which was AWESOME!!!!!! I love Mariah so much, but GIRRRL, if you can't walk in your 6 inch stilettos, maybe cut em down to a sensible 4 inch or something! Haha, In her first ensemble, you could tell she was having difficulties walking, but nonetheless, she made it work. And only Mariah would drink water from a champagne glass, gotta love her! And then she discovered the bottle of champagne next to her water, which allowed for some hilarity! She took a sip, then another, then put the glass back. She also read a sign in the audience which chronicled all the shows that that fan had been to in the past few months, and Mariah read the New Years Eve show off the list and then said something about how she came in on a sleigh and then she busted into (aka actually sang the lyric) "All I want for Christmas is you…" It was super exciting! It's a Christmas classic that's good any time of year, haha. After she took another sip of champagne, she realized there was a little girl in the front row, then told the little girl, "that was apple juice!" And a couple minutes later, has another sip and says "Don't worry, I'm not making any speeches tonight!" in reference to her tad bit tipsy award show speech earlier this year, hahaha! And that's another reason to love Mariah, she doesn't take herself too seriously! Sometime in the first few songs, I can't remember exactly what song it was, but she hit her famous high notes, which immediately connected to my tear ducts! It was hecka random too, cause it wasn't even like a super emotional song, those notes just get to me! Her vocals were one point for sure! A little while later, Mariah, being Mariah, called hair and makeup out to the stage to touch up her make up and hair because she sweat a dribble, and that was pretty hilarious. Only Mariah would! But only Mariah could! haha. She also mentioned how she almost fell out of one of her dresses, also very endearing and made everyone LoL. Sometime during the course of the show, some people in the first couple rows in the center got MC's attention and asked her to sing H.A.T.E.U. And she kinda liked the idea, but went on to say that the band doesn't know it. She was like "if you could only hear what they are saying to me in these ear monitors" haha. Then she was like "but if I sing that song, you won't be able to hear the one I am supposed to sing right now and I really want you guys to feel it! But we will address the request later, maybe they will let me sing it…" or something along those lines, which got me even more excited for the rest of the show because that song is definitely my favorite of the Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel. As usual, "Always Be My Baby" was a highlight for me. That song was the first song I learned all the words to without having to hear the track in the background, I remember singing it in the dugout at Stenzil Park when I was about 10. That was probably the biggest sing-a-long of the night with the entire audience involved. Anyways, since they were camera Nazi's at the arena, I couldn't even sneak photos or video, but I did video for audio only, and i had to get the audio on that one for sho! Before she sang "My All" she addressed the request for H.A.T.E.U. again, but they were still screaming at her into her monitors, haha, poor Mariah, didn't want to disappoint, but kinda had to stick to the program. Zach had seen the show in LA twice so he was very familiar with the setlist, and he had told me that she may cut out "It's A Wrap" or "Up Out My Face" because she was kinda alternating between the two songs or not singing them altogether, but lucky for us, she kept both in, which was reeeeeally exciting! I love both those songs so I was glad to hear em live! I videoed for audio "It's A Wrap" too, if y'all could have seen Zach during that one, lol. Good times! So 17 songs later, Mariah left the stage before the encore, still no H.A.T.E.U. so I was kinda wondering if it was gonna happen…and as soon as the stage opened up for the encore, the band started playing the music! We were like "OH. SHIT. BITCH!" Just about lost our minds! I had my video for audio ready to go because I wasn't gonna miss that! And the best was that she didn't just sing a verse or a snippet, she sang the entire song! Sheer genius! She never sang it on the tour, never practiced it, and the band didn't really know it, but you would never be able to tell because it was perfect! Her high notes were AMAZING and the band were pros! It was sooooooooo goooood! So after the joy of hearing that song, she finished her set with "Hero", which will never go out of style. That song is truly a classic! Tears were rollin' and I decided to defy security, cuz what the hell were they gonna do, kick me out?! So I snapped a few pix, only 2 came out semi-presentable. Security tried waving me down, but I was like pssssshhh please! I had to have something to document our awesome seats besides a ticket stub! You could tell she really was feeling the audience when she thanked us. AMAZIZING! And no joke, when I woke up in the morning after the show, H.A.T.E.U. was still in my head, I think I was singing it in my sleep, lol. Definitely not a show I will ever forget! I <3 Mariah!

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