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I Remember When...

April 16, 2009: New Kids on the Block in Fresno, CA - A small warm up tour was announced early in 2009, set to hit cities that didn't get New Kids the last tour. We wanted to do all three Cali shows, but due to money issues, only planned for one. Laurina and I had five star for Fresno and that was fun times! Meeting them was amazing as usual, and Laurina had already made a name for herself in the New Kids community and Donnie even knows her. As soon as she walked in, Donnie was like, "Tattoo!!! When you gonna get another tattoo?" And she was like "when you draw one!" so sure as shit, he did! That was tattoo number 3 for her. Laurina had pre-organized our group so that there was exactly two girls for each guy and each girl got to be with her fav. I got Joey, so yay! While we were standing for the pic, someone said something to try and get everyone to laugh, and by the second pic, Joe decided to take it to the next level and he yelled "Cock Juice!" which took the cake and I ended up looking like a douche bag busting up laughing, but it was so much fun! For the show, we were FRONT FRICKEN ROW, CENTER! It pays to have speedy gonzalez Laurina on the comp with tickets go on sale, haha. So anyways, the show was basically the same as the fall tour with a couple new songs switched in. When it came time for Joey's solo set, he sang "I remember when" and I had no idea what was coming to me. The camera guy came and told me that they were gonna put me on the big screen and I was like "omg, no! why? i don't even know all the words" because I thought it was just gonna be crowd shots of people singing along, but what I got was so much better! Basically, I was trying to hide my face but as soon as Joe sings "...little girl!" they cut to some girl on the big screen as he points at the screen and sings to her, and in Fresno, that girl was me! After he sang and pointed to my image on the screen, he turned and pointed to me in the audience and continued singing, then at the end, he tipped his hat and said "surprise!" As embarassed as I was, I was absolutely on cloud 9. Best.moment.ever! I freaked out and was still freaking out when all my friends from the show came up to me and had seen me on the big screen. During Donnie's solo set, Laurina got her man's attention too and she was his cover girl for the night, sign and all. "You wanna be my cover girl..." haha. Such a tease. Anyways, after the show, a bunch of New Kids fans went out to Denny's and in the middle of our outting, all our phones went off because Donnie had sent out a tweet telling all of Fresno to come out to Five Restaurant. Immediately half of Denny's patrons walked out and we were off to the restaurant. When we got there, Donnie and Danny were just about to leave. When Donnie emerged and saw Laurina he asked if he was gonna see her tomorrow in Santa Barbara, but we didn't have tix, so Donnie was like, I got you! Gave our info to Armando, who is kinda good for nothing, and we were off to SB. We had all day to kill so we found a tattoo shop to do Laurina's newest edition. We hung around all day and just kinda chilled. When it came time for tix, ours were no where in sight. It took a lot of back and forth with management and security, but it ended up working out and we got into the show. It was kinda chill for us but it was so much fun. We crammed 5 people in 2 seats to enjoy the show and somehow Donnie still found Laurina in the crowd and during "The Right Stuff" he was like "Tattoo sing it!!" total amazing moment! We were unable to go to the LA show at the Palladium the next day because I had to work, so that was the last show for the warm up tour. Out of the entire NKOTB year, Joey singing to me was definitely number one! And it was even funnier, because the crazy beast I used to be friends with was there to see it! hahaha. Sucks don't it bitch? But enough being mean. Twas an awesome experience!

You Tube: Joey Singing *I Remember When* With A Special Guest ;)

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