A Friday Night of Skating
Chris the skateboarder at ISC
Dave, he's so happy how sweet...
Now Dave's going patriotic on us
A random picture taken at fazolis
Ryan, Gayer than ever
I think ryan's wang is on jake's head
Jake, BS royalle up the college rails
Jeff, He runs ISC....yep
Jeremy BS Backslide at College
Classic Jeremy Picture
Jordan, The skateboarder who wants to be a rollerblader but who's too scaired to admit it...
I'm pickin tom's nose...........
Oh so sponsored.....well that's what they call it these days, "sponsored"
Seth Looking as cool as possible
Tom and Seth, the cool guys
No comment
Oh, that's a good one Tom
Heavy D, and the Boyz
That's all for now, a new friday night skate section is in the works, with some tricks this time.....