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Oliver Harper's Review

The DVD was included with the box set. I already had the LaserDisc so I knew what to expect from Warners budget title.The film still is very enjoyable to watch today. Comparing it to Batman Forever, Superman III is so much more fun. The film is based more around Richard Pryor than Reeve. The DVD has not been remastered in print and sound but has been transfered well to DVD. The print has been taken from the original 70 mm negative like the laserdisc.

The picture holds up well to Superman the movie, it does seem to have more fresher colour than the LaserDisc. People have complained about the wires which you can see in the chemical factory and wheat field scene. The wires where visible in the LaserDisc and home video versions. Its just the dodgy NTSC output. NTSC has a contract which gives out a greyish bright hue that can effect the picture. So to get the proper picture you have to turn down the brightness. In the PAL versions they are invisible. The wires in the film are framed in way inwhich you can't seem them in motion if go back and try to watch where the wires are you may be able to see them. One of best things about watching Superman III is Richard Lesters excellent framing. He is a master at filling the frame with decent action. He has a great eye for making Reeve stand out also thanks to Paynters photography. There is some great moments in the film where the frame is just great top look at. Thats whats makes Lester different in style to Donners. Lester has very static look in which fills the frame up and doesn't cut to much keeping you moving along with the film, giving the film a feeling that its a live comic book. Donner has very different look on his framing. He has a look through the film that doesn't concentrate on filling the frame like Lester with static shots but keeps  the frame full to take full advantage of 2:35.1. Below is a classic example of Lesters excellent framing.

The sound is enoded like Superman II with Dolby Digital Stereo ( DD2.0 ), the surround mix does sound alot better than the Superman II DVD, it doesn't sound as compressed as II and sounds alot more richer too. The LaserDisc mix was very flat and compressed so I was happy to have Superman III DVD to have a superior mix but I was still pissed that it didn't recieve a DD5.1 treatment.There are some nice touchs of the Dolby Stereo mix in the film, for example when he changes back into the good Superman theme kicks quite loud so you don't have to crank up the volume like Superman II to anything out of it. Also the end theme with Ken Thornes classic version of Superman does sound very nice for a Dolby Stereo mix. Superman III had a wicked Dolby surround its just pity that it didn't recieve a decent mix because it would of been great disc to show of to your mates. Damn Warner!

Just like Superman II, just a shoddy trailer that gives away the whole plot!, they should of concentrated the trailer around Clark and Lana and Superman turning bad. But no they fill the whole trailer with Pryor hardly showing Reeve at all. The menu is pretty cool it has Thornes end Superman mix playing over the top which sounds very cool when it comes on screen. When the film was released the Salkinds produced a making of, that would air on TV at the time to give the public a look behind the scenes. I have the original making of and it is an excellent program. There is loads of interviews with the cast and crew. Its just a shame that it wasn't included on the DVD. Come on Warner this is SUPERMAN III the most popular film that was rented in 1983 making of $37 million in rentals. Hello?, any body home, think Warner, think!..


Picture **** out of 5
Sound *** out of 5
Extras * out of 5

Total  *** out of 5

Just buy the film to complete your Superman collection and to see Christopher Reeve at his best and don't forget this film rocks in WIDESCREEN!

Adam Berry's Review

For the most part the picture quality of the movie is much better and with it being released in widescreen, it does benefit the movie I feel and
is better than the Superman II transfer.  The colours remain crisp and look clean.  The sound is ok but is still only Dolby Digital 2.0 like the
other Superman sequels and is only a slight improvement over Superman II.


Just a trailer again, and it isn't a good one it is far too long and gives away far too much of the film.