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Update 3/13/04

I've moved. It will be temporary, I hope. I'll still keep this for random things (I have a poem or two and some comics that I want to scan and post... as soon as I figure out how to scan.) but the stuff that goes here will be at xanga. It's not that I don't love this site (after all, I built it with my own two hands from the ground up) but I want to write more and do housecleaning less. Until I get some time to really work on this and clean it up, it's off I go.


    If you haven't read the update section, read it. If you have then I am back in operation at my new xanga site.
Thanks all,

The Moment's..

desire: more bagel chips!

little known fact: Orangutans are not a member of the melon family. Shocking but true!

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