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Black Boy
Richard Wright
Genre: Autobiography


Summary: This is the autobiography of Richard Wright(author of Native Son), a black boy growing up in the Jim Crow south. He reflects not only on the antipathy of the whites, but also on the coldness and oppression he receives from his own family and community. This is not a happy tale, but it is gripping, and one told as it really happened, with no glitz and glamour.

    This was my first independant reading book for english. In truth, I would not have picked it out on my own, but I do not regret reading it. I read most of it in one day, and it was a bit... disturbing. It really is amazing how his family treats him, without love or sympathy, and how he cannot see what everyone else obviously does. What really struck me was how many times he was beaten, or thereatened to be beaten during the course of this book. This is really a story about a boy who didn't turn out like the rest, and how he looked at the world, and how the world looked at him.

Written by: Lava

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