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The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Genre: Adventure

Rating: ** 1/2

Summary: Charlotte Doyle is American by birth, but has lived most of her life in England. Her father has taken the rest of her family back to America, and Charlotte is to join them once her term is up. When she arrives at The Seahawk, the ship she is to cross in, she gets a warning to leave if she values her life. Charlotte soon learns there is more afoot aboard than meets the eye. And so begins Charlotte's extrodinary tale of what really happened aboard.

    Action, adventure, intrigue, this book has it all. The mystery here is simply what is going on in the ship, but it's quite exciting anyway. The adventure really starts in the second half. This was a big hit with my sister, who's in 6th grade, so that gives you a good idea of the age group this caters to.

Written by: Lava

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