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The Discworld series
Terry Pratchett
Genre:Humorous Fantasy


    Well, I'm lazy, and not very good at typing either, so instead of reviewing every single book, I've decided to give you a rundown of the entire series, and some of the main characters.

    Discworld looks exactly like its name. It is a flat, circular world carried by four elephants who ride on top of the great turtle A'Tuin, who walks through space. Of course, Discworld is inhabited by interesting people who live in intersting places. If it were boring, nobody would be writing about it. Most of the books make excellent reads, but it's one of those types of things where either you like it or you don't. These are best not read before bed, as there might be thinking involved

    Discworld geography is as follows:

The Hub- At the center of Discworld, the hub is cold, and it generally snows a lot.

The Rim- At the edge of the disc, the rim is the end of the world. Anyone who falls of the edge has a long time to wave goodbye.

The Ramtops- This is witchs' country. Mostly, it's inhabited by country folk and other domesticated animals.

Uberwald- Formerly Überwald, this is a cross between the Black Forest and Transylvania, complete with mad scientists, vampires, and werewolves.

Fourecks (XXXX)- Fourecks is the legendary counterweight continent, thought for a long time not to exist. The people there say strange things like 'G'day' and 'No worries, mate'

Ankh-Morpork- This is very big city. It's ruled by Lord Vetinari, the Patrician, who keeps the local guilds, and everything else in balance. In Ankh-Morpork you can find such places as:

        Unseen University- This is the place to go if you want to becoming a wizard. Mainly, it consists of big dinners and sitting around a lot.

        The Shades- No one ventures into the Shades without either (1) the certain knowlege that, if necessary, they could walk out of hell unscathed, or (2) an death wish. 'Nuff said.

        The Guilds- Ankh-Morpork is famous for its guilds. There is a guild for almost every profession. someof the more ferquently mentioned ones are: The Beggars' Guild, The Theives' Guild, and The Assasins' Guild (which has the reputation as being the best education for an upperclass boy)

    and here's a bit about some of the recurring characters:

The Watch- Ankh-Morpork's police, The Watch is led by:

    Commander Vimes- He'll be the first the first to say he's just a copper, and he was, until he married. Then he officially became a Peer, and along with the titles came feathery hats and ruby tights. Of course, he would turn them in for a second for a good pair of boots. Also on the watch is:

    Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson- Carrot was a foundling, raised by dwarves. When it became apparent his six-foot-six body could not fit properly in a dwarf's tunnel, he was shipped of to Ankh-Morpork to be part of the watch. He is always polite, and has a knack for knowing everyone. He is also quite naive and takes everything literally. His girlfriend is:

    Sergeant Angua- a very pretty young lady from uberwald, who also happens to be a werewolf. This wold play havoc on her social life, if coppers had them. She's also prone to introspect, and her family is not exactly the nicest family in the world.

    Corporal Nobbs- Nobody is quite sure of Nobby, that is, not sure of his species. He's a theif at heart, and has a nasty habit of pinching anything not anchored to the ground with a 2 ton weight.

    Cheery Littlebottom- The Watch's equivalant of a forensics expert, Cheery has changed her name to Sherry and leads the Women's lib movement of the dwarf world, where every dwarf is a he, regardless of gender.

As you know, The Ramtops is a rural area with such colorful characters as the following:

    Verence- the current king of Lancre. he has some very modern ideas, some of which actually make sense. he's married to:

    Magrat Garlix- A former witch, Magrat gave it up to be queen.

    Granny Weatherwax- Probably the most fearsome which living, Granny is a whiz at Borrowing. She is part of a coven containing:

    Nanny Ogg- THe best midwife, ever. She's got innumerable grandchildren, ang believs in thte phrase "keep it in the family" it seem like half of Lancre is populated by her descendants. She likes a drink when possible, and has a dirty sense of humor.

    Agnes Nitt- a replacement for Magrat, Agnes has another personality inside her, named Perdita. She has an excellent voice, and can sing in harmony with herself.

Other people:

    Rincewind- a Wizzard(sic), as proclamed on his hat. he's completely hopeless at magic. He is a coward, with a knack for getting into trouble and surviving it. Because of this, he has the dubious privilege of being personally watched by:

    Death- The Grim Reaper, complete with sycth. He speaks only in capital letters. Death also has an adopted daughter, and a granddaughter

    Susan Sto. Helit- Susan, upon finding out, was quite surprised to learn that Death was her grandfather. She was also surprised to learn that she had inherited some of his powers. So Susan, since she is more than human, has had to save the the world morre than once, and she's thoroughly sick of it.

    Cohen The Barbarian- This geriatric is the oldest barbarian alive, which is pretty impressive, if you consider the perils of the profession.

Written by: Lava

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