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Doomsday Book
Connie Willis
Genre: Sci-fi/fantasy, Time travel


Summary: Kivrin has worked long and hard to pull this off. She has painstakingly learned old english, with accents, held out her arm for every innoculation, and fought every argument against her going to to the middle ages. She has even come up with the perfect reason for a woman to be traveling alone. With much reluctance, Dunworthy sends her to the fourteenth century. But something has gone wrong. Kivrin has been dropped in the wrong place in the wrong time, and she cannot return to the present. Meanwhile, an unknown disease is sweeping present-day London, and the person who dropped Kivrin is in no shape to tell anyone where he dropped her, and without the exact coordinates, a rescue party cannot be sent. Kivrin did not leave in time to escape the disease. Now Kivrin is in an unknown time in a place she cannot identify with a strange disease. Dunworthy is trying his hardest to get her back, and if he doesn't soon, she won't ever come back.

    The main reason why this only has 3 stars is because it depressed me so much. Otherwise, this is a worthwhile, nicely written book.

Written by: Lava

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