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The Dragon Knight
Gordon R. Dickson
Genre: fantasy


Summary: Jim Eckert woke up one morning to find himself in the body of a dragon. Again. It was not that long ago that Jim, in another dragon's body, had rescued his fiancee, and now wife, Angie (see The Dragon and the George, coming soon) and he did not want this to become a habit. He was already having enough trouble adjusting to this medievel world. Luckily, all that has happened this time is his magical account has been activated, so he remedies this by becoming an apprentice to Carolinus, a master magician. He is soon tested beyond an apprentice's capabilities when he has to rescue the Englis prince from an evil French magician.

    As series go, this is one of my favorites. I absolutely love these books. I am also well aware of the fact that they are not great literature, hence the 3 star rating. I like the series for the thought process, mainly, and the sheer... stimulation, i guess. It stimulates my imagination. I don't know why or how. There are glaring discrepencies in the series, but they can be overlooked if you try hard enough.

Written by: Lava

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