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The Dragon At War
Gordon R. Dickson
Genre: Fantasy

Rating: ***

Summary: While returning from Castle de Mer, Jim stops to picks some flowers for his wife, Angie, to soften her anger, and finds himself face-to-foot with a giant sea devil, Rrrnlf. Rrrnlf is searching for his lady, a figurehead of Jarnsaxa, which has been stolen by sea serpents. The sea serpents, at this time, have struck a bargain with the French to invade England. Carolinus is recovering from sickness, so he sends Jim to find out who put all this together and stop him, her, or it.

    This is a bit of a mystery. You are given, piece by piece, the full picture, but it doesn't really make sense untill the last few chapters. The author does a cvery good job of building the action and suspense for the final battle. Of coures, we know who's going to win, but getting there is 99% of the fun.

Written by: Lava

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