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A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver
E. L. Konigsburg
Genre: Historical fiction


Summary: Eleanor of Aquitaine has waited a long time for this day. Today is the day her husband, King Henry II, is to be judged fit to enter heaven. To pass the time, Eleanor and her old friends reminisce about her, and, in the process, tell the story of her life.

    This book is first a story, and a biograpy only second. The events in the story actually happened, and the people are real, but the people's points of view are fictional. What the author has done is taken a very interesting person from history and told her story in a flowing, familiar style. Meanwhile, you also get a sense of history, and learn something. This is a lot more fun than reading from a textbook.

Written by: Lava

Written by: Lava

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