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Guards! Guards!
Terry Pratchett
Genre: humorous fantasy

Rating:** 1/2

Summary: An ancient tome on summoning dragons is missing from the shelves of Unseen University's library, and the Librarian isn't too happy with that. At the same time, a highly secret society is a bit disconcerted to find their supreme Grand Master wants to take over Ankh-Morpork. Also in this span, a dragon comes to town and terrorizes the denzinse of our not-very-fair-at-all city. The City Watch is on the job, and nobody, except Carrot, has any faith in them.

    I generally like the stories involving The Watch, but this one isn't up to snuff. I don't know whether I don't like the plot, or I was just not in the right frame of mind. Well, whatever the reason, I did not enjoy this book as much as some of the others. The ending is confusing, but I managed to muddle it out just the same.

Written by: Lava

To the shelves