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The Serpents of Harbledown
Edward Marston
Genre: mystery, historical fiction


Summary: Seventeen year old Bertha is found dead in a patch of holly, a victim of one of the snakes of Harbledown. Her death comes as a shock for everyone, but Brother Martin believes her death is more shocking than usual because he says she was murdered. Nobody but the royal comissioners, who have arrived that same day, believe him. Ralph and Gervase decide to help find out what exactly happened to Bertha. It leeads them into a trail of heresy and danger, that puts them both in grave peril.

    This is the fifth book in the series, in case you're wondering. I'm a big fan of surprise endings, and although I figured out who did it before the very end, it was a very twisty way to end. the sinisterness of it all is enough to keep you occupied with the book, but the fast-paced makes this one a one sitting book (that means you can read it all at once).

Written by: Lava

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