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Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!
Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
Genre: Humorous sci/fi

Rating: *****

Summary: This is a collection of stories about Alexander Jones, a solar guardsman thrown into the position of plenepotentiary of the planet Toka, populated by the cute, teddybear-like Hokas. Now this isn't exactly a bad thing. Having the pay and perks of an ambassador never is. In addition, the Hokas are not violent or evil. In fact, they are highly intellegent, kind, and openhearted. Unfortunately they also have a hyperactive imagination and will play out any story that takes their fancy to the hilt. For example, if some hokas read Lord of the Rings, they would become a charater and go overboard into incorporating everything around them into their middle earth. Alex has the unenviable task of keeping these hokas in check. in the course of this, he is plunged into a drug smuggleing ring, becomes to notorious pirate Greenbeard and faces a dreadnaut with a tiny courier boat (think of a car next to a luxury cruise ship).

    This is my perennial picker-uppper. it's cute aned funny, without being boring. Even though this is catagorizes as a childrens book, the language is too confusing and the wirds are too big for most kids up to the seventh grade. There is another book of hoka stories, if you like them, called Hokas Pokas. It only has three stories, and while the first book is defenitely funnier, my favorite story is in the second.

Written by: Lava

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