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Expecting Someone Taller
Tom Holt
Genre: humorous, Norse Mythology

Rating: ***

Summary: Malcome is a failure. All his life people have told him so. It was his job in the family to remind everyone how lucky they were to have a daughter like his sister. So it came as no shock when one night he runs over a badger. The badger (who is not really a badger) gives him a ring and the Tarnhelm, and suddenly becomes the ruler of the world. Well, he thinks, there must be some mistake, so he figures he should just hang on to the ring and the Tarnhelm untill he finds someone to give it to. Unfortunately, there are a host of gods that want the ring, and they won't stop at anything to get it.

    This is not a zany comedy. It's not funny because of eccentric characters, or a completely impossible plot. It is funny because something nobody would think happend does, and it all seems so plausible.

Written by: Lava

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