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Parsifal's Page
Gerald Morris
Genre: Humor, Arthurian fantasy


Summary: When a knight shows up at Piers' father's blacksmithy, Piers begs his parents to let him be the knight's squire. To his surprise, they agree. Unfortunately, his knight is killed very soon after, and he has no choice but to join the knight who slew his, a strange character named Parsifal. Parsifal has no idea how to be a proper knight, but Piers is willing to shape him into his idea of a perfect knight, but Parsifal has a thing or two to teach Piers.

    If the third book is my favorite, the fourth is my least favorite. It still is a good story, but it's more serious than the others. I also have a natural prejudice against this book because I don't really like the story of Parsifal in the first place. I'm sure you'll enjoy it more than i did if you like the story it's based on.

Written by: Lava

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