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Phule's Company
Robert Asprin
Genre: Humorous sci/fi


Summary: The Space Legion has a reputation for taking in the dredges of society. But even in the Space Legion, omega companies pop up that are filled with "misfits and losers". Lieutenant Scaramouche, aka Willard Phule, one of the youngest billionaires in the galaxy, has comitted a major snafu, and is court martialed for it. Instead of sending him to the barracks, he is promoted to the rank of Captain and is made CO of an omega company in the hopes that he will quit when he sees the material he has to work with. Well, the newly named Captain has no intention of giving up, and intends to make his company the best in the Legion.

    Well, the premise is a bit stereotypical. I mean, every one of us must have seen one of those sappy movies where a bunch of misfits become the best team int the world. Well, this is not sappy. All of the ways they think up to handle their problems, and the characters themselves, all help make this a funny book without being sappy or a tearjerker.

Written by: Lava

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