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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J. K. Rowlings
Genre: Fantasy

Rating: ****

Summary: Harry Potter is back at the Dursleys for the summer, and he can't wait to get back to school (and I can't blame him). Then, just before he goes back to school, a strange little creature visits him and tells him he must not go back to Hogwarts. If he does, something terrible will happen. Of course, he can't just skip a whole year of school, so he ignores the advice. Then, at Hogwarts, strange things begin to happen. He begins to hear voices that no one else can, and soon, people are being petrified by someone or something. Soon it transpires that the legendary Chamber of Secrets has been opened, with dire consequences.

    This is my least favorite book in the series, but it still deserves four stars. The ending, once again, is a big surprise. Ginny and Colin's hero worship of Harry is real. There are people who feel the same way towards Harry here. My very favorite character in here is Professor Lockhart. He's vain, selfish, and an all-round idiot. In short, he's a very annoying person, but as a character, he's the funniest slimeball I've read about in a long while.

Written by: Lava

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