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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
J. K. Rowlings
Genre: Fantasy

Rating: **** 1/2

Summary: This year, Ron and his family have tickets to the Quiddich World Cup, and Harry's invited! It's very exciting, but after the actual match, some things start to happen. Dark wizards, one time followers of Voldemort, stir up panic by baiting muggles and having a really fun (for them) time being nasty. But when someone flashes the dark mark (Voldie's mascot, if you will) outright panic ensues, and things start to get scary. At school, Harry is somehow called to be a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament, even though he didn't enter. A very dastarly plot involves our hero, and the book ends with a clifhanger.

    Warning: This is not suitable for young children. It contains highly scary episodes and very evil villians. My opinion is still a bit of a question mark on this one. This is definately the scariest of the lot. There really isn't much else I can say without giving away parts of the plot (not only in this book, but in previous one as well), and it's frustrating the heck out of me. In case you didn't know, the American version of this book is 700-some pages long (i think it's 748). I finished it in four hours straight the day it came out. My sister took four months. As you can see, it really depends on what kind of reader you are when it comes to finishing this hefty tome.

Written by: Lava

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