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Daphne DuMaurier
Genre: suspense, romance

Rating: 0 stars

Summary: I'm sure you've all heard of this story before. A young girl working as a traveling companion (currently in the Riviera) is swept of her feet by Maxim DeWinters. But when she returns to England, she is plagued by Maxim's first wife, the late Rebecca DeWinters. This was also made into a movie by Alfred Hitchcock, which I haven't seen.

    Well, if you bothered to look at the rating, you probably figured out that I didn't like it very much. I didn't even finish it, and that's pretty bad. The tale is told in flashback by the second wife and it's oppresively depressing in the begining, while she's talking about their present circumstances. Although that's pretty bad as it is, the main thing that put me off the book was how the girl was treated, and how she allowed people to treat her that way. Even her husband treats her like crap. I just can't take that.

Written by: Lava

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