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Equal Rites
Terry Pratchett
Genre: humorous fantasy


Summary: A dying wizard decides to pass on his staff to an eighth son of an eighth son. he chooses the smith's youngest, who is in the process ob being born. When the baby is finally born, it is rushed to the wizard, who transfers the staff, and dies. Too late they find out the child is a girl. Granny Weatherwax trys as hard as she can to make the young girl normal, but the magic is too strong. The only way is to let her go to the University, but there's a catch. Women are not allowed.

    This is one of the shorter novels of discworld, and not as funny. I think it has to do with the fact taht it was written very early on. Writing styles evolve with each new story, and I prefer the newer books to the older ones. Otherwise, it's a pretty good book.

Written by: Lava

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