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The Saint Series
Leslie Charteris
Genre:Action, mystery

    Simon Templar is one of those immortal characters that live in the annals of well known detectives. Of course, living as I do with my head permanently in the clouds, I had to do some of my own detective work to find The Saint. When I actually found the section in the library, I was amazed at the number of Saint books they had... until I found out most of them were adapted from the TV series, and half rate. The non-TV stories, though, are quite amusing. The one thing I cannot stand is how superhuman the hero is. It's a pet peeve of mine. I'm sure it won't bother you. These books were all written in the 30's and 40's, and that's part of the appeal. Of course, the other part is the adventure and excitement and the solving of the mystery. Basically, Simon Templar is an updated Robin Hood and vigilante, metting out justice to those who deserve it, and distributing the goods to those who need it (but only after a sizable sum is in his own account). It's all just frivilous fun and games.

Written by: Lava

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