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The Wolves of Savernake
Edward Marston
Genre: mystery, historical fiction


Summary: William The Conquerer's asssesment of England, called the Domesday book, has brought up old grudges and dishonest practices to light. In Bedwyn, someone has asked for a second inquiry, and the kings men are on their way. Ralph Delchard and Gervase Bret, along with Cannon Hubert and the meek Brother Simon, have been sent to Bedwyn to straighten the mess out. Before they arrive, though, the person who summoned them there is violently killed by one of the notorious wolved of Savernake. Now the King's commissioners must not only settle land disputes, but also a complicated web of intrigue and crime.

  &nbps What's so novel about this particular series is that each story is based on an actual entry in the Domesday book. Neat, huh? This is another novel which is a lot easier to understand with a bit of background information of the time period. In 1066 , William (later called the Conquerer) made the last successful invasion England, to date. He and his army crossed the channel from Normandy and conquered the Saxons. When William got the island relatively under control and working, he arranged for a census/compilation of England so he would know exactly how much in taxes he can levy and how many knights he could call on in time of war. It was called the Domesday Book because the Commissioners asked so many questions that it seemed like the last judgement. The middle ages is one of my most favorite periods of history, and this series certainly bring it to life, even if it is some of it is pure fiction. The actual mystery part of the story could stand by itsef. It keeps you guessing until the end.

Written by: Lava

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