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Terry Pratchett
Genre: humorous fantasy


Summary: A not-so-long time ago, there was a man who had eight sons. his youngest son married and had eight sons too. The youngest was, of course, a wizard. Now, this wizard's story, for all practical purposes, should have ended there. Instead, this wizard becomes a rebel and marries, something that no self respecting wizard would ever do. With his wife, he has eight children. The youngest is a wizard squared, a source of magic. Rincewind, meanwhile, has miraculously arrived, with The Luggage, just when things are getting interesting. It seems that this sourcerer has come to Unseen University with the express wish to take over the universe. The wizards, who have never done real magic, suddenly find themselves super powerful, and quite scared of this boy who made it all possible. Rincewind gets mixed up in the nasty business, and, once again, has to save the world from certain destruction.

    If you have read Equal Rites, the part about the shadows in the end make sense. If you haven't, I suggest you do. It's key in understanding the whole situation. Poor Rincewind's destiny, I think, is to save the world. this is the millionth time he has, and he's not dead yet. This is typical Discworld.

Written by: Lava

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