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The Music of the Spheres
Elizabeth Redfern
Genre: mystery, historical fiction


Summary: Jonathan Absey of the home office had a brilliant career before him, untll his daughter was murdered. Now, in 1795, while England is at war with France, he has little time to investigate her murder. Soon bodies of girls found dead in the same way pop up all over the place. The trail leads to a family of French aristocrats and a society of astronomers called the Company of Titus. To get to the bottom of this, Jonathan enlists the help of his unwilling brother, a lay astronomer himself.

    This book looked so promising, and them it degenerated into a dark and gloomy tale of murder and prostitution. In a mystery, it's especially important to make the ending more than the reader expects, but this does the opposite. Jonathan's search for the serial killer becomes tedious very soon, but his brother, Alexander, brings most of the interesting stuff into the book. The ending was disappointing. the only bombshell that was dropped wasn't a bombshell at all, and it just takes too long to get there.

Written by: Lava

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