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The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady
Gerald Morris
Genre: Arthurian Fantasy, Humor

Rating: 0 stars

Summary: Adventure for Gawain and Terence begins again at a banquet, when a mysterious Green Knight comes, bearing an ax, demanding one of the knights at the banquets chop off his head, and in return allow the Green Knight to reciprocate the blow in one year. Gawain accepts, and he and his squire set off to find the Green Chapple, where Gawain will meet his fate. Along the way they encounter many more strange characters and situations. And in the end, everyone learns something important.

    I have to admit I like this book better than The Squire's Tale mainly because this time Terence has grown up a bit. You would barely recognize this young man to be the insecure, innocent little boy from before. Of course, there are new characters in this book, notably the Lady Eileen, Who they 'rescue' from the evil Marquis of Alva. Sir Lancelot also makes his first appearance here. My favorite character of all (I'm sure you'll see why), Sir Wozzell, is also here. Again, the author's note is here, adding the nuts to the brownie mix.

Written by: Lava

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