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Vendetta for The Saint
Leslie Charteris
Genre: Action, mystery


Summary:Our beloved swashbuckler, Simon Templar, is vacationing in Sicily, mainly for the food. He gets invilved in a strange vendetta when he happens to see a curious encounter between an Englishman and an Italian. When the Englishman is murdered the next day, Simon's curiosity gets the better of him and he launches himself agains the whole mafia-ridden island of Sicily.

  &nbps I always find it funny how the bad guys are refered to as The Ungodly. I get a kick out of it. I first noticed it in this book, and, in a complicated way I cannot describe here, it fit. Well, this certainly was interesting. Digging up family history, dodging the mafia, and still having time to woo a beautiful young lady, is a packed day in my book. Not only that, but we also get to, through the written word, ride in a wonderful antique. I would kill for a car like the one in this story.

Written by: Lava

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