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Dealing With Dragons
Particia E. Wrede
Genre: Humorous fantasy

Rating:** 1/2

Summary: Cimorene is the youngest princess in the very prosporous kingdom of Linderwall, and she hates it. She would much rather be learning latin instead of embroidery and how to curtsy. Unfortunately, princesses aren't allowed speak latin, or fence, or cook cherries jubilee. When she finds out she's about to be married, she runs away to the Mountains of Morning and volunteers to be a dragon's princess. Working for Kazul, her dragon, suits Cimorene, but something strange is happening in the Mountains of Morning. Wizards are poking around where they should not be, and Cimorene wants to find out what they're after.

    This is the classic twisted fairy tale, complete with a headstrong princess and jabs at fantasy stereotypes. It's an enjoyable read, but I was dissappointed the story didn't go deeper. I know it is supposed to be for the younger set, and, for comic effect, the people and situations must be exaggerated, but there's something missing from the narrative. I guess I just expected too much. Most of the other people I've talked to that read the book said they really liked it. If you have a couple hours to kill, pick up this book and try it out for yourself.

Written by: Lava

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