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The monthly Spiritual magazine . Siluva Saakshi. is being published in the regional language Telugu by the Church every month. The magazine has been a real blessing for all Christian and non-Christian brethren. It has the popularity of both interstate as well as intrastate public. There are nearly 3,000 subscribers on the rolls. The Editorial Board under the leadership of Rev.Dr.G.Samuel, Pastor is making tremendous efforts to improve the magazine. The encouragement being given by the Executive Committee and Church members in general in making the magazine more fruitful in the Lord's Ministry is extremely inspiring.


Become a member of Siluva Saakshi Magazine ...
Annual subscription Rs.100 
($100 for Foreign Countries)
Send cash, cheques or DD infavour of following address 
 Baptist Church Hyderabad
3-5-170, Narayanaguda,
Hyderabad, A.P. 500029,