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Kristos - Bruceden Lee!!

Well at last we had to give him a mention! The illegal immigrant that is Kris is going off to Australia to annoy them over there! He worked in Bottoms up for a long time and was deputy for a week then told Tracey he was leaving - classic. He made up Shop cricket with Beardy and is a Legend. To be honest we will miss you, you do smell, and we won't miss that, but take care in Australia and watch out for us BU boys coming over there to annoy you!

What you might not of known about bruceden is : He is the love child of.....

Bruce Lee


Osama bin Laden...

and heres how he turned out!

Well we love you little Asian, even though your only 25, your going on 65 with your receding hairline! Gravity hasn't been kind to you but hey we love ya!!!


"Indeed!" "Excellent!" "Yes!" "All righty!"