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All about us!

Hey there, if your reading this then thanks cos we love telling people about ourselves. We work in this amazingly fun place (yeah right) called Bottoms Up in case you hadn't guessed so here's a little about us.

Kev (otherwise known as Kebab) Let me see kev is a big man with a big liking for kebabs! hense the name. Well kev is leaving us soon to work for a bigger company (Fucker) but we still love him but not when he stinks the shitter out and when he farts! but you get used to it. So to sum him up he's big, smelly and most of the time pissed.

Kirk (aka purge) born back in the day of 1982 kirk is your average guy! watch out if he's pissed coz he'll either bottle ya or just annoy u! but he's a general all round good guy with a cause! grows shrubs and plays kaplunk or somin! and still manages to keep his hardcore edge for his punk band '8 ways to lose'! go see em! kirk is the duputy manager in the shop, dont understand it but hey its stranger than fishin! he's managed to keep his famous blue and black jacket/fleece for a long time now and wears it in almost any climate! i've known the guy for far to long and bascially he's bass playin bum lady shotgunning womaniser with 8 ways to lose his bottle!

ed the mighty head What can i say about the mighty one. Well he plays guitar, at least thats what he claims he's doing...nah just kidding he's pretty really he is. Ed's a pretty down to earth kinda guy but can go wild when you treat him i've heard. His hobbies are hugging everyone he works with especially Tracey but who can blame him. He's the shop theif (9 packs of B+H ahem). Ed has a fantastic hair cut and it drives women crazy. He enjoys a little game of bowles from time to time but then again..who doesn't. With his checkered past he's a man who has done many things and remembers very few. Sadly Eddy gets played by lots of women so most of the time he looks really happy cos he doesn't realise half the time. Ed's band sucks which is the reason their called Reason 69, they're planning to tour America or Bradford. His life ambition is to play to sell out at Northwood Footie club but if you ask me he needs to be far more realistic. So to some it up...he's alright. We love you Eddy.

Then theres Alex - the Bearded one, the Beardywhore, Julius Beardshaw himself. Although the invention of the mach3 razor was revolutionary, meaning goodbye to the days of 80's designer stubble, Beardy said "NO" to fashion and still has facial hair many primates would be proud to have! He is generally a good guy, quick witted, and very smart. He wants to be a doctor, failing that be head of BOTTOMs UP(what a dream!). However if he manages to make it into the medical profession, his true dream of become a bent doctor, will still be alive! He is the oldest of us all, and has been at bottoms up the longest. He was the first generation of dosers which has inspiried us all to get lazier each day- so we salute you Mr.Foot Long Stubble guy for given us the chance to all have longer facial hair!

Little Kevin Hatten He is very small i like the fact that he is pocket size and it is possible to carry him around without anyone knowing. I've known the little one for many years since when he was very very very very very very very very very little! He likes cans of coke and thinks that the world should be made upon a pile of coke syrup and soda. I see his willy quite a bit and it makes me laugh because it is very straight. I like little kev when he smoking the ****a cos its make him more dopey and funny to look at i love you little Kev!!