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Heres the latest..Kirk and Skev(little Kev) are going back to college to do the music..this was a bombshell for Tracey and she's barely spoken to Kirk since...she apparently blames herself for not supporting him enough! Whatever it's just funny to see her screwed! Eds Got his gig tommorow WEDNESDAY Be there or don't be! If you don't turn up then your gay! See you there, costs a fiver to get in but it'll be worth it!!!

Hey heres the latest news as it happens....Alex nearly destroyed Bottoms Up last night as he hit a Big six in bottoms up cricket which smashed a light down thus taking out all the lights in the back of the shop. Luckly Kris and I managed to get the lights working again and pistol Pete came along and made the area safe! In other news - Alex and little Kev are now offical Bottoms Up employees! Alex floored his test getting an amazing 50 out of 50! Little Kev also passed getting 48 out of 50. Ed would've taken his test but he was at home with dirty Alice! hmm...Eddy! 21/09/01 Kirk