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Well,Well Well! The Wagner! Tracey the idiot has really out done herself this time! Not only has she managed to annoy us all this week with talks of only giving Purgh(Kirk) bonus's, she has the cheek to have a go at us lot, "claming" we do nothing and that we back chat too much. Well SORRY Miss.Wagner, but why are we the best shop in the area?! Not because of you doing any work I'll tell you that...oh wait, hold on...when did you last work a friday, saturaday or sunday nite? Well you've really it now. G.I Joe hmmmmmm.... Heres the story...


Wagner, pictured here, invited a certain G.I.JOE into the back of the shop (pictured below). Not only is it against company policy to have anyone who is not staff out the back of the shop. Tracey had the cheek to give Alex an official warning some months back for it! To make things worse, she left the shop with G.I.JOE in the back room alone! Tracey returned and carried on out the back chatting to "Action Man".


Ed, however, working as he should be, has gone to go out the back...and guess what...Has caught G.I.JOE and Tracey, going at it! Full on snog! Eds quickly ran away, traumatised! I tells ya!

Tracey (left) and Tom(right on bike)

To top the lot Traceys got a long standing boyfriend Tom. Here you see Tom the biker(right)with Tracey(left)! Oh dear Tracey what will you do next??

Ed in the champagne room!? Kirk in the Kitchen?! or Beardy in the Drinks direct area?!