That old living room couch just as soft as the
first time I curled up on it. The television kept me company granny watched me, but I missed mom.
The living room was clouding and the TV hazy as I drifted in and out.
Granny took off-
frantically screaming, outside to get pop. I felt a wet stream
rolling down my face starting just at the right corner of my mouth.
Granny was on the telephone and I was in the rocking
chair The chair I used to spin in until I sat still and the room still turned.
This spinning I didn't have to wind.
Pop crouched in front of me,
asking me to say his name. And I felt the tears as I tried but couldn't.
In the ambulance he asked me about my horses, I couldn't produce the sound that he wanted
to hear. He kept asking. The bright lights shown on the thin sheet across
my chest. I didn't know where I was or what had happened.
All I knew was that mom was holding my hand. |