The Site » Win My Award(s)

More Awards will be added =) Soon I'll make awards for other Anime ^_~

If you win, you're award will be sent to you within a week give or take a few days (-_-);; sorry. If you don't win one, you will be given a little gift for trying anyways =). All winners will be linked the way people won them from the drop down menu under the award they won.

I Recommend You! aka Recommended Site Award

1-A CCS Site please
2-More than 10 pages of info
3-There must be real can't be 10 pages of: 'Sakura captures Cards' *shows a pic of Sakura* etc. and that's no NO! Must have good information and more than 5 sentences in each page!
4-NO hentai also keep cussing to a low
5-Readable text, font, and make sure you can read the text from the bg color!
6-Must load within 1min! Yea..I'm willing to waist a min of loading time
7-Please sign my g-bookie. Also you don't have to link back..but it'll be much know so people can get awards too!
8-This site needs to be Recommended or if I give it to you, but please try anyways! =)

Please send your name, email, site URL, site name, and which award you want to me by clicking here. Also make the subject 'Award from your site'. Thanks!

Picture Perfect aka Best Gallery Award

1-A CCS Site please
2-More than 50 pictures
3-NO hentai also keep cussing to a low
4-Readable text, font, and make sure you can read the text from the bg color!
5-Must load within 1min
6-Please sign my g-bookie. Also you don't have to link back..but it'll be much know so people can get awards too!

Please send your name, email, site URL, site name, and which award you want to me by clicking here. Also make the subject 'Award from your site'. Thanks!

Super Star! aka A Very nice site award

1-A CCS Site please
2-A lot of info! More than 15 pages
3-NO hentai also keep cussing to a low
4-Readable text, font, and make sure you can read the text from the bg color!
5-Must load within 1min
6-Some pictures to make it more lively
7-Easy to navigate
8-No more than 5 broken links, this includes pictures
9-If you have a Gallery the pictures must be in thumbnail or text linked to the orginal pic
10-Link me back(with Award of a regular button)
11-Please try to make it so the resoulution is 800 x 600 or less. If I can't see the links etc forget the award
12-Please sign my g-bookie
13-Only 5 of these will be given out each month!

Please send your name, email, site URL, site name, and which award you want to me by clicking here. Also make the subject 'Award from your site'. Thanks!

WoW!! aka Best of The best site award

1-A CCS Site please
2-A lot of info! More than 20 pages
3-NO hentai also keep cussing to a low
4-Readable text, font, and make sure you can read the text from the bg color!
5-Must load within 1min
6-Some pictures to make it more lively but make sure the pictures load fast
7-Easy to navigate
8-No more than 3 broken links, this includes pictures
9-If you have a Gallery the pictures must be in thumbnail or text linked to the orginal pic
10-Link me back(with Award of a regular button)
11-Please try to make it so the resoulution is 800 x 600 or less. If I can't see the links etc forget the award
12-Please sign my g-bookie
13-Please no Times New Roman font. So sorry
14-Also makes me want to book mark fast! (happens a lot)
15-I should feel welcomed and not like the site doesn't want anyone looking at it
16-Not that many pop up ads or top site ads. If you didn't's very annoying
17-Please no java pop ups either. Don't you hate it when you enter a site and 100s of pop ups go: Welcome!, This is the best site so bookmark me!, Sign my gbook or go away!, Sakura is the best! Common now..that's annoying as hell!!
18-Try to have something orginal
19-If you took something from someone without credit..(1)you will not get an award and (2)I will email that person of who you took it from. So if I see a new site and it has a whole lot of info that couldn't be done in 2 days..somethings up. Also if I go to a site that has some very familar chants and will recieve a very harsh email from me. No other site has so many chants and I DID Write them out all by MYSELF!. So be very careful.
20-Only 3 of these will be given out each month!

Please send your name, email, site URL, site name, and which award you want to me by clicking here. Also make the subject 'Award from your site'. Thanks!

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