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Welcome to Clan Ultimo!

Note to Members: Please visit this News page frequently. It will have many updates, schedules, and events for the clan. It is important that you know what's going on!

Contact Us
Current News:
Friday - 8/10/01
  • OK, I just got back from Hawaii. I've been working hard on updating and finishing the major parts of the site.

  • I combined the letters of ULTIMO at the top of the screen into one GIF so now they all load as one image instead of at seperate times. I think it looks a lot better.

  • Check out the scrolling and bouncing status bars at the bottom of your screen. Pretty cool eh? I did all of those today!

Monday - 7/30/01
  • Just to let everybody know, I am leaving for vacation to Hawaii today. I will be back on: 8/7/01. So unfortunately there will be no updates between then and now, but I promise to get right back to work when i get home! And also if you join in between these dates, Do not be worried if you do not receive a confirmation letter. As soon as I get back, I will deal with all clan applications.

Sunday - 7/29/01
  • Wow, hello everybody. Welcome to Clan Ultimo. My name is Kenny White (clan member name: FalcorTheDog). I am the clan leader for Clan Ultimo. I've been planning for this clan for a long time now and have been working on this site continuously. Now we're actually up! I know the Clan isn't much yet, but today is just Opening Day! If you're interested in joining, please do so! It's easy! Just click the link on the left and you're on your way!

  • I created this new background today. I think it looks pretty cool and it blends well with the page colors. I was fooling around with some other colors, but i think this one looks the best.

  • Congratulations to our First New Member!

    • soccadog