This isn't what I look like...but it is what I feel like!

Working with others to heal is a wonderful project. We thank each and every one of your for your help and loyalty by consistantly purchasing through our web sight!

Healing has a foot in two worlds:

** the practical world where doctors, nurses and medicine are the basis of our belief system. In many cases, it's all we know and understand. We can examine and question its operation.

** and the OTHER world where we dream, hope and pray!

This project works with BOTH worlds! We hope the two worlds will blend.

Healing is basically about nuturing. Nuturing is a worthwhile project; and God knows, in our society, there are very few of us nuturing as a lifetime project. The only requirement is the desire to nurture and heal.

All humans are supplied tools to nuture and heal: color, aromas, music, food, herbs, laughter and joy, and companionship are just a few methods we have at our disposal.

This week the news reported statistical evidence that prayer benefits the sick-even when they don't know they're being prayed for!

A group of AIDS patients were divided into 2 groups, one group was prayed for, the other group not prayed for.

Patient photos were supplied to the group of people who did the praying.

After several years, the medical professionals reviewed the medical records of each group of patients. Those patients who were prayed for

Research experts are scepticle, but willing to supply the funds for further research on the subject!

I also use water, which I know to be "another face of God" in fountains, in my receipes, spiritual baths and housecleaning.

Please feel free to email us at the address below!

Blessings, Davene

** Tea, Spices 'n Herbs ** It's a Dandi World

Email: tootysnoot@yahoo.com