Gemstones Power

AMETHYST: Energizes the upper chakras. Helps calm and clear the mind. Enhances our psychic and spiritual abilities.

AQUAMARINE: Aids in lost loves and grief. Supports spiritual truth.

ADVENTURINE: Healing and purifying abilities.

CARNELIAN Helps recall past lives and inspires creativity.

CITRINE: Represents hope, joy and love.

DIAMOND: Works within the upper chakras. Aligns the higher spiritual purposes.

EMERALD: Promotes harmony within the physical and emotional levels.

PURPLE FLUORITE: Extremely powerful bringing about change.

GARNET: Strengthens the solar plexus chakra and enhances personal power.

HEMATITE: Basic earth strengths; balances physical reality.

LAPIS LAZULI: Enhances dreams and subjective concepts.

MALACHITE: Earth-to-spirit bridge. Enhances meditation and aides sensitives.

MOONSTONE: Yin-Yang, male-female. Balance and cycles. Increases intuition.

MOTHER OF PEARL: Heals and nutures. Motherly love and protection.

QUARTZ: This works at all levels. Healing, balancing, grounding and increases spirituality. Aides in focusing and awareness. Quartz crystals should be cleansed now and then by soaking in a mild solution of sea salt water. These natural crystals absorb energy vibrations, both negative and positive. They also should be passed along. They makes caring gifts.

ROSE QUARTZ: Balances the Heart chakra. Aligns the upper and lower chakras; the bridge between physical reality and spirituality.

RUBY: Opens the heart. Love of self and control of fear and anger.

SAPHIRE: Mental clarity and balance.

SODALITE: Protects by absorbing confusing or negative thoughts which might limit us.

TURQUOISE: Symbolizes earth and nature. Promotes luck and long life.

Wheels of energy called Chakras rest within our subtle anatomy. This spiritual energy exists and operates whether we know it or not. However, recognizing the energy system and working with the energy enhances our spiritual and physical capabilities.

To locate the area where a chakra is located, lie down flat, close your eyes and try to feel instead of looking. Using a quartz crystal on a chain or thread, hold it a few inches above a possible chakra center and rotate the crystal clockwise.

Your hand should be guided by sensations of warmth or tingling near the skin. Using faster or slower motion and covering a larger or smaller area should help you locate the approximate chakra center.

A crystal on a string held about 2 inches above the skin should begin rotating when the crystal nears an energy wheel. Practice this method as the wheel of energy might be blocked.

Blocked chakras place the body out of balance. The wheels are always working, but recognizing their existence and working with the energy centers increases personal power and revitalizes the energy.

The ritual itself has value. Taking the time to focus your attention on your subtle centers, using meditation, visualization, musical tones and color gemstones are a ritual combination enhancing your purpose and accomplishment.


Tea 'n Fountains
